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Superb Mens Vintage Best Quality Tweed Norfolk Shooting Jacket in a size 36 inch extra small unusual quality wool lining
unused Ladies Moon Tweed Country Jacket with velvet style trim in a size 38 inch 14 Paisley Lining Spare Buttons
Lovely Ladies Karen Macleod Harris Tweed Country Waistcoat in a Size 34 inch Chest Patchwork with Leather Buttons
Mens John G Hardy Tweed Country Waistcoat in a size 42 44 inch Large matching Breeks available
Mens Small Kilt Jacket and waistcoat Wedding Suit set
Mens Good Beaver of Bolton Tweed Shooting Hunting Country Coat in a rare size 34 inch extra small RRP 399
Mens Vintage Quality Issac Walton Tweed Country Field Jacket in a size 40 inch Medium cotton lining with game keeper pocket
Mens Vintage Tweed Hacking Jacket Tailored by John G Hardy in a Size 38 to 39 inch Small Long Fit with inside gamekeeper pocket
Mens Shooting Hunting Beaver Of Bolton Derby Tweed Gillet Skeet Waistcoat in a size 46 to 48 inch extra Large RRP 190 Real Leather
Summer Weight Cloth Tailored Mens Bladen Unused Silk and Wool Tweed Jacket in a size 40 inch Medium RRP 549 Pounds
Good unused Mens Red Hunting Waistcoat made in England by Foxley in a size 40 to 41 inch Medium
Luxury Summer Silk and Wool Tweed Mens Crombie Jacket faux Suede detailing, working cuffs and storm collar size 40 inch Med RRP 699
Superb Mens John Brocklehurst Tweed Gillet Waistcoat 40 med slim 42 L two gamekeeper pockets RRP 299 Two ply twist blended thornproof wool
Mens Vintage Crombie Traditional Prince of Wales Check DB Double Breasted Suit 38 small 32 waist 29 inside leg
sold....Victorian Silk Dressing Gown Vintage Tweed Norfolk Jackets Suits Breeks...sold
sold...Antique 19th Century 1800 to 1850 embroidered working agricultural Smock Coat Museum Quality...sold
Sold.....3 x Mens Vtg Silk Folding Opera Grey Morning Top Hat in Leather Case 56 6 7/8....Sold
Sold...Mens Unused Gieves & Hawkes Bespoke Tweed 4 piece Suit ....Sold
Sold.......Rare Mens WW2 John White Despatch Dispatch Rider Officer Boots 1944 Size UK 10....Sold
Sold....unused Amazing Bespoke Wested Leather co Rare Superb Quality Leather Hunting Shooting Gilet Waistcoat ...Sold
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